Nikon D100 Extended Exposure Tests

I decided to start playing with my D100 to see how well it performed under long exposure times with very low light. I set the camera on a tripod in my bedroom and adjusted the lighting from the next room to provide very scant illumination. The light meter showed a good exposure at ISO200 f2.8 and 1 minute.

I then took a series of exposures at descending f/stops, with and without noise compensation. Here is what I got.

Click on any thumbnail to view a higher-resolution image. The high-res images are 1600x1200, saved at JPEG level 75, so they are a little large.

  ISO 200, No Noise Reduction ISO 200, Noise Reduction ISO 400, No Noise Reduction ISO 400, Noise Reduction

1 Minute

1 Minute

30 Seconds

30 Seconds


2 Minutes

2 Minutes

1 Minute

1 Minute


4 Minutes

4 Minutes

2 Minutes

2 Minutes


8 Minutes

8 Minutes

4 Minutes

4 Minutes


16 Minutes

16 Minutes *

8 Minutes

8 Minutes


32 Minutes

32 Minutes

16 Minutes

16 Minutes


  ISO 800, No Noise Reduction ISO 800, Noise Reduction ISO 1600, No Noise Reduction ISO 1600, Noise Reduction

15 Seconds

15 Seconds

8 Seconds

8 Seconds


30 Seconds

30 Seconds

15 Seconds

15 Seconds


1 Minute

1 Minute

30 Seconds

30 Seconds


2 Minutes

2 Minutes

1 Minute

1 Minute


4 Minutes

4 Minutes

2 Minutes

2 Minutes


8 Minutes

8 Minutes

4 Minutes

4 Minutes


Overall, if you want to shoot star trails, the D100 probably isn't your camera. However, I would expect all current digital cameras to share the same problem.

(*) During the exposure of this image, the cat walked on the bed, causing the sheet to move a little.

If you have any questions or comments, please email me at